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Does Drinking Hot Water Help You Lose Weight

Does Drinking Hot Water Help You Lose Weight?

Drinking enough water is essential for overall health and can aid weight loss. But does the temperature of the water matter? Does drinking hot water help lose weight?Some claim that drinking hot or warm water provides even more weight loss benefits. Let’s analyze the evidence behind using hot water for weight loss.

How Hot Water Could Help With Weight Loss

Here are some of the ways that regularly drinking hot water is thought to potentially help boost weight loss:

  •  Boosts metabolism – Drinking hot water raises body temperature slightly which increases calorie burn. A German study found that drinking 500mL of water increased metabolic rate by 30% in both hot water and cold water drinkers .
  •  Suppresses appetite – Hot water can help fill the stomach, providing a feeling of satiety. A small study found that participants drinking 500mL of hot water experienced less hunger and ate fewer calories at their next meal compared to the cold water group .
  •  Aids digestion – Warm or hot fluid helps break down food and improves gut health. Proper digestion prevents bloating and constipation.
  •  Cleanses the body – Some claim that regularly sipping hot water flushes toxins and cleanses the body. However, there’s no evidence that hot water detoxifies better than plain or cold water.
  •  Energizes the body – Starting your morning with a glass of hot water with lemon can help wake you up and provide hydration. Proper hydration boosts metabolism.
  •  Relieves stress – The warmth can have a calming effect and be part of an evening relaxation ritual that reduces cortisol levels. High cortisol causes weight gain.

However, more research is still needed to confirm these theories on using hot water for weight loss. But the potential benefits are promising.

Does Drinking Hot Water Help You Lose Weight

Tips for Drinking Hot Water to Lose Weight

If you want to give hot water a try for weight management, here are some suggestions:

  •  Drink it first thing in the morning – Kickstarting your day with a glass on an empty stomach could boost digestion and metabolism.
  •  Drink it before meals – Consuming 20-30 minutes before eating helps curb appetite and prevent overeating.
  •  Try lemon water – Add lemon juice to get an extra dose of vitamin C and antioxidants.
  •  Don’t burn your mouth – Make sure it’s a comfortable temperature you can sip slowly.
  •  Relax with it at night – A cup of hot chamomile or herbal tea can help you unwind before bed.
  •  Drink it after a workout – Help your muscles recover faster by replenishing fluids lost through sweat.
  •  Set reminders – Having a reminder makes it part of your daily routine. Apps like WaterMinder can track intake.
  •  Use a thermal mug – Carry a container that keeps water hot all day so it’s readily available.

Adding heat to your water is an easy way to switch up your fluid intake. Just be careful not to go overboard and burn yourself.

Does Drinking Hot Water Help You Lose Weight

Examining the Research on Hot Water Weight Loss

Several small studies have looked specifically at the potential weight loss effects of drinking hot water:

  •  A 2012 Iranian study had 50 overweight women drink 500mL of hot water or room temperature water twice per day before meals for 8 weeks. The hot water group lost an average of 3.5 pounds while the room temperature group lost only 2.5 pounds (3).
  •  Another study followed a group of 37 overweight Chinese adults who consumed 300mL of boiled water both before and after breakfast for 6 weeks. They lost 2.5 pounds on average compared to the control group (4).
  •  Researchers think the weight loss may come from the extra metabolic boost from heating the water along with the filling effect.

However, larger scale studies are still needed to confirm effects. And the weight loss achieved is fairly modest. Still, regularly drinking hot water may provide a small thermogenic advantage.

Does Drinking Hot Water Help You Lose Weight

Hot Water Weight Loss Tips and Precautions

To implement hot water into your routine, keep these tips in mind:

  •  Gradually increase how much you drink over time as drastic increases can cause discomfort.
  •  Limit it to 1-2 cups in the evening as the warmth can disrupt sleep.
  •  Infuse it with herbs like turmeric, ginger or cinnamon to enhance flavors without adding calories.
  •  Be cautious if you have sensitivities like acid reflux which could be aggravated.
  •  Don’t set it so hot that you burn your mouth. Let it sit a minute after microwaving.
  •  Stay well hydrated by also drinking cold and room temperature water throughout the day.
  •  Check with your doctor before significantly increasing water intake if you have a medical condition.

While hot water is very safe when consumed carefully, take precautions to avoid scalding yourself or overheating. And remember that drinking plain cold and room temperature water provides similar hydration benefits.

Lifestyle Tips for Losing Weight with Hot Water

Keep in mind that no beverage alone will lead to significant long-term weight loss. However, incorporating hot water into a healthy lifestyle can support your efforts. Here are some tips:

  •  Follow a nutritious diet focusing on lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats.
  •  Reduce intake of sugar, processed foods, and empty calorie beverages.
  •  Engage in regular exercise like cardio, strength training and stretching for at least 30 minutes per day.
  •  Improve sleep quality by sticking to a schedule and limiting electronics before bed.
  •  Manage stress through activities like yoga, meditation or relaxation techniques.
  •  Drink hot water as a substitute for high-calorie beverages.

With determination and commitment to lifestyle changes, hot water can be a helpful addition to maximize weight loss.

Does Drinking Hot Water Help You Lose Weight

The Bottom Line

Does drinking hot water truly help you lose weight faster or is it just hype? The current evidence leans toward a small beneficial effect thanks to the extra calorie burn from heating the water and the filling volume that may reduce appetite slightly.

However, simply drinking hot water alone without proper diet and exercise is unlikely to lead to significant weight loss for most people. Look at it as a supplemental tool rather than a magic bullet solution.

Incorporating 1-2 cups, especially before meals or workouts, can support your weight management efforts as part of a comprehensive healthy lifestyle. But always take precautions against burning your mouth and beware overdoing it.

So go ahead and enjoy sipping on satisfying hot water throughout your day. Just maintain realistic expectations when it comes to losing those unwanted pounds.

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